Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

Anheuser Busch is distributed worldwide to a vast amount of retailers. From local convenient stores to big warehouse clubs, Anheuser Busch products and Bud Light are easily found.

Anheuser Busch uses an intensive distribution plan to distribute its products in every outlet where a target consumer might want to purchase its products. With Bud Light being the Star of the Anheuser Busch portfolio, it is usually placed where consumers where easily see it. Depending on the retailer, Bud Light may simply be placed on the shelves or may have a more elaborate display.

Anheuser Busch uses wholesalers to distribute Bud Light and all of their products. Anheuser Busch has grown to include more than 600 independent wholesalers. Bud Light is first produced in one of 12 breweries across the United States, it's producer. From the breweries, Bud Light then moves to one of the 600 Anheuser Busch wholesalers. The wholesalers are responsible for product distribution to retailers, where consumers can finally purchase Bud Light.

I visited two different retailers this week that both sell Bud Light, a traditional supermarket and a liquor store. The retailers were similar in customers and staff. Customers in both settings seemed like they knew what they wanted, with maybe a slightly more perusing taking place in the liquor store. the liquor store did have employees who approached me and asked if i needed assistance, something that did not happen at the supermarket. The associate at the liquor store explained to me how the beer selection was laid out, from local, craft beers to brands like bud light with a wide distribution network.

The liquor store did not have any special display for Bud Light. In fact, the only special display was the staffs favorite wine selections. The supermarket did have a small display at the end of the aisle for Anheuser Busch products that featured collateral focusing on outdoor activities, getting consumers excited for spring and summer. I did notice that in both the liquor store and the supermarket bud Light had a very visible location on the shelves. The liquor store associate explained to me that the Anheuser Busch wholesaler who delivers Bud Light is in charge of putting the product directly on the shelves, ensuring it is visible and easily found by shoppers.

Bud Light is a retail success, due in part to its intensive distribution and the active role its wholesalers play in the display and and delivery of the product. 

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