Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ch. 12 - Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing

Services are the result of applying human or mechanical efforts to people or objects. Anheuser Busch is a company whose primary objective is to produce and sell a product, beer. As i have discussed before, Bud Light is one of the biggest sellers for Anheuser Busch. Bud Light is not a service, or a nonprofit organization. Anheuser Busch does work closely with three nonprofit organizations that they have chosen to donate funds to, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, UNCF, and Teach for America.
Anheuser Busch clearly places an emphasis on supporting educational initiatives.

Anheuser Busch does provide services through their wholesalers and distributors, as well. The most obvious for of service is the relationship between the wholesaler and retailer. I learned when I visited a local retailer, that Anheuser Busch is the only distributor who controls their product display. Their drivers and delivery men are exclusively responsible for where the product is placed on the shelves, how it is displayed, and any promotional collateral and set up, therefor providing a service to the retailer in addition to just delivering a product.   

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